A new day, a new adventure. Radiation... and thought I was already radiant:))

As I go through my second adventure with Ovarian Cancer first I dealt with the chemotherapy... now radiation. I've had nine treatments with more to go. It has been really easy, 10 minutes on the table and then you're done; hard to believe anything can be so precise. In the first appointment they explain everything to you, that is, the size of the tumor, how many treatments you will receive, how this can affect your body, and then you're ready for the tattoos they use to know exactly where to direct the rays.

The first seven treatments were easy, then after the eight I became very sick with an extremely nauseous stomach accompanied by exhaustion, the only time I was able to get out of bed was when I ran to the bathroom.

Now I'm dependent on anti-nausea medication, hoping this will all end soon. We who suffer with this type of disease and treatments know what an ongoing nightmare we live in, sometimes optimism is hard to find.

I'm not really a negative person I just want my life back, there's so much to do yet. I'm already planning the next Fashion/Seminar luncheon our foundation has. There will be so much to share with our guests, Education is key to our health.

I'll have a lot to talk about.

Sharon Leigh