April 18th, 2013

I have a friend her name is Connie. Connie has been a very active member of a knitting group I started several years ago, we knit hats and scarves all year then in October we ship these around the world to underdeveloped countries.

In this group I always share the latest breakthroughs on ovarian cancer, along with emphasizing the need for getting your yearly exams.

Connie is 76 years old, she was recently diagnosed with 4th stage ovarian cancer. To make things even worse she was also diagnosed with 4th stage lung cancer. These two are not related diseases. Connie most likely will not survive.

When I learned of this I immediately called her, she was of course in shock, her first words were "why didn't I listen to you". Sadly it's a little late for that.

Here is what really angered me, her Doctor told her he was sorry for not finding this two years ago. Does I'm sorry really work? The need for a complete exam was vital here, pelvic exam, pelvic ultrasound and the CA 125 blood test.

It seems that so many doctors feel, or are told to feel, that when a woman reaches 70 maybe 72 they don't require these tests any longer. I think Connie is a perfect example of the need!

Please insist on your exams, don't let your doctor tell you at your age it's not necessary. If he does tell you that, find another doctor. Even though you might think the world of your doctor you have to be your own health advocate.

May our Lord richly bless you and protect the women in your family,
Sharon Leigh